Thursday, March 19, 2015 Council Chamber · Shoreline City Hall 7:00 p.m. 17500 Midvale Ave North
Estimated Time | ||
1. | CALL TO ORDER | 7:00 |
2. | ROLL CALL | 7:01 |
3. | APPROVAL OF AGENDA | 7:02 |
a. February 19, 2015 Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
During General Public Comment, the Planning Commission will take public comment on any subject which is not specifically scheduled later on the agenda. During Public Hearings and Study Sessions, public testimony/comment occurs after initial questions by the Commission which follows the presentation of each staff report. In all cases, speakers are asked to come to the podium to have their comments recorded, state their first and last name, and city of residence. The Chair has discretion to limit or extend time limitations and the number of people permitted to speak. Generally, individuals may speak for three minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak. When representing the official position of an agency or City-recognized organization, a speaker will be given 5 minutes. Questions for staff will be directed to staff through the Commission.
Aurora Square Community Renewal Area Planned Action
Staff Presentation
Public Testimony
2015 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket
Staff Presentation
Public Comment
Elections for Chair and Vice Chair; 145th Street Station Subarea Planning
The Planning Commission meeting is wheelchair accessible. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 801-2230 in advance for more information. For TTY telephone service call 546-0457. For up-to-date information on future agendas call 801-2236