Monday, March 27, 2000

7:30 p.m.

Shoreline Conference Center

Mt. Rainier Room

PRESENT: Mayor Jepsen, Deputy Mayor Hansen, Councilmembers Grossman, Gustafson, Lee, Montgomery and Ransom



The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Jepsen, who presided.


Mayor Jepsen led the flag salute. Upon roll call by the City Clerk, all Councilmembers were present.

(a) Proclamation of Volunteer Week in the City of Shoreline

Mayor Jepsen read a proclamation designating the week of April 9-15, 2000 as Volunteer Week in Shoreline, and reminded Council of the Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast to be held April 12.


City Manager Robert Deis introduced Steven DiJulio, legal counsel filling in for City Attorney Ian Sievers.

Mr. Deis asked that Council add an executive session of approximately 20 minutes at the beginning of the meeting to address one item of potential litigation.

Mr. Deis introduced Denise Pentony as the new Shoreline Police Chief. Outgoing Shoreline Police Chief Sue Rahr and Major Pentony spoke briefly.



(a) Bill Bear, 2541 NE 165th Street, spoke as Director of the Briarcrest Neighborhood Association. He invited Councilmembers to the April 6 meeting concerning the potential redevelopment of the North Rehabilitation Facility (NRF) and the April 12 meeting on land use.

(b) Martin Kral, 1317 N 183rd Street, discussed the process of rehearing the Elena Lane Rezone and Subdivision. He asserted the difficulty of providing input to the Planning Commission on March 30 given that the developer has provided very little information about the development since the Council hearing February 14. He said City staff has been unclear in answering whether citizens will have another opportunity to speak about the development.

Tim Stewart, Planning and Development Services Director, advised that citizens will have the opportunity to provide input on the preliminary plat for the Elena Lane Subdivision in a public hearing during the March 30 Planning Commission meeting. He said the report on the preliminary plat is available to the public.


Deputy Mayor Hansen moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember Gustafson seconded the motion. Deputy Mayor Hansen moved to amend the agenda to add an executive session as the next item of business. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilmember Grossman moved to take item 8 (d) before item 8 (a). Deputy Mayor Hansen seconded the motion.


At 7:49 p.m., Mayor Jepsen announced that Council would recess into executive session for 20 minutes to discuss one item of potential litigation.

At 8:10 p.m., Councilmember Ransom announced the extension of the executive session for ten more minutes.

At 8:22 p.m., the executive session concluded, and the regular meeting reconvened.

A vote was taken on the motion to take item 8 (d) before item 8 (a), which carried unanimously.

Deputy Mayor Hansen moved to add a new item 8 (e), Ordinance No. 233, creating a moratorium on locating satellite parimutuel betting establishments within the City of Shoreline. Councilmember Montgomery seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

A vote was taken on the motion to approve the agenda, as amended, which carried unanimously.


Councilmember Montgomery moved approval of the consent calendar. Deputy Mayor Hansen seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, and the following items were approved:

Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 14, 2000
Minutes of Workshop of February 22, 2000
Minutes of Dinner Meeting of February 28, 2000
Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 28, 2000

Approval of expenses and payroll as of March 17, 2000 in the amount of $ 987,898.45

Resolution No. 161 approving the final plat of Meridian Court (18842 Meridian Ave. N.)

Motion to increase the contingency amount from 5% to 10% of the contract amount for the 25th Ave. NE pedestrian improvements

Resolution No. 162 adopting the Shoreline Recreation Scholarship Program Policy and Procedures

Resolution No. 163 adopting the Connie King Scholarship Fund Policy and Procedures

Resolution No. 164 adopting the Shoreline Parks Legacy Fund Policy and Procedures

Motion to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with the Skyhawks to provide sports camps, in an amount not to exceed $52,000

Motion to authorize the City Manager to execute an addendum to the North Rehabilitation Facility contract for landscape services in an amount not to exceed $46,600


(d) Appointments for three four-year terms to the Shoreline Library Board

Councilmember Ransom explained that the ad hoc subcommittee of himself, Deputy Mayor Hansen and Councilmember Gustafson reviewed the applications of nine candidates for the three four-year positions. He said the subcommittee asked the same 11 questions of each candidate, and each subcommittee member rated each candidate in each area. He noted the subcommittee’s recommendation that Council appoint Mary Jo Heller to another four-year term on the Library Board and that Council appoint Terrance Brooks and Dale Stirling each to a four-year term on the Library Board. He reviewed the qualifications of each nominee.

Councilmember Ransom moved that Council appoint Mary Jo Heller, Terrance Brooks and Dale Stirling each to a four-year term on the Shoreline Library Board. Councilmember Gustafson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

(a) Ordinance No. 231 amending the City’s Zoning Map to change the zoning of a parcel located at 17525 Aurora Ave. N. from Regional Business, Residential 48-units per acre, and Residential 12-units per acre to Community Business and to grant a special use permit to the Shoreline Fire Department for an Administration and Training Center

Mr. Stewart reviewed the staff report.

Deputy Mayor Hansen moved adoption of Ordinance No. 231. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion.

Councilmember Ransom commented that he shares the concern of citizens who have asked him why the Shoreline Fire Department is opening the administration and training center in a prime commercial location on Aurora Avenue. Mr. Stewart referred to conditions three and four of the special-use permit and asserted that the proposal is consistent with the City’s long-term vision for the Aurora Corridor.

Councilmember Grossman asserted that the northwest corner of 175th and Aurora Avenue is one of the prime corners in Shoreline. He said the fire department could site its services anywhere in the City without sacrificing their utility; whereas, many businesses would need the exposure afforded by this location to be successful in Shoreline. Mr. Stewart said fire department representatives discussed the site selection process and cost constraints during the public hearing before the Planning Commission. He noted Planning Commission finding 4.2, which identifies fire stations and facilities as essential public facilities.

In response to Deputy Mayor Hansen, Mr. Stewart estimated that half of the 2.2-acre site will be a new use by the fire department and, therefore, no longer subject to property taxes.

Councilmember Montgomery expressed concern about the warehouse appearance of the facility in the elevations on page 88 of the Council packet. Mr. Stewart acknowledged that the black-and-white drawings do not do justice to the architectural features of the facility. He said staff supports the proposed design.

Councilmember Gustafson said the administration and training center is an essential facility. He stated that the design is compatible with City plans for the Aurora Corridor. He commented that the site is logical. He supported the proposal.

Mayor Jepsen noted the time and effort the fire department has invested in achieving the elements of its bond issue. He expressed concern about the slanted, north portion of the building, given City efforts to encourage building facades parallel with Aurora Avenue. Mr. Stewart identified this as a plaza and entryway.

Noting condition three of the special-use permit, Mayor Jepsen advocated the develop-ment of a City policy to address the funding of improvements in projects of public entities (e.g., sidewalks). He commented that public entities should not charge one another. Mr. Stewart said many of the requested improvements resulted from the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) process. He agreed that the City needs a policy to address improvements along the Aurora Corridor over the long term.

In response to Councilmember Lee, Mr. Stewart confirmed that the area along N 175th Street between the convenience store and the apartments will largely be asphalt. In addition to the training tower, he mentioned enhancements along the western boundary of the site.

Councilmember Ransom noted the 6-3 vote of the Planning Commission in favor of the proposal.

A vote was taken on the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 231, amending the City’s Zoning Map to change the zoning of a parcel located at 17525 Aurora Ave. N. from Regional Business, Residential 48-units per acre, and Residential 12-units per acre to Community Business and to grant a special use permit to the Shoreline Fire Department for an Administration and Training Center. The motion carried 7-0.

(b) Resolution No. 165, authorizing the City Manager to sign the Seashore Transportation Forum Agreement

Sarah Bohlen, Transportation Planner, reviewed the staff report.

Councilmember Gustafson commented that Councilmember Montgomery’s participation on the Seashore Transportation Forum has resulted in greater recognition of the transportation needs and contributions of Shoreline.

Councilmember Montgomery moved adoption of Resolution No. 165, authorizing the City Manger to sign the Seashore Transportation Forum Agreement. Council-member Gustafson seconded the motion, which carried 7-0.

(c) Appointments for five four-year terms and one two-year term to the Shoreline Planning Commission

Councilmember Montgomery moved to extend the terms of the current Planning Commission members for one month, to appoint David Harris and Robin McClelland each to a four-year term and to appoint Nancy Marx to complete the two years remaining in the term of Ted Bradshaw. Deputy Mayor Hansen seconded the motion.

Mayor Jepsen explained that the subcommittee of himself and Councilmembers Grossman and Montgomery is continuing to interview candidates. He said the City has asked those Commissioners whose terms have expired, but who are still available, to continue serving for another month. He stated that the subcommittee will complete its work and bring a recommendation to Council for the three other four-year positions within the next month.

A vote was taken on the motion to extend the terms of the current Planning Commissioners for one month, to appoint David Harris and Robin McClelland each to a four-year term and to appoint Nancy Marx to complete the two years remaining in the term of Ted Bradshaw. The motion carried 7-0.

(e) Ordinance No. 233, Creating a Moratorium on Locating Satellite Parimutuel Betting Establishments within the City of Shoreline

Mr. Stewart reviewed the report that staff had distributed to Council.

Councilmember Gustafson moved adoption of Ordinance No. 233. Councilmember Montgomery seconded the motion.

Councilmember Ransom noted the previous moratorium to allow review and passage of an ordinance concerning card rooms. He said neither the moratorium nor the ordinance addressed satellite parimutuel betting establishments. He contrasted the interest of the business owner in proceeding with a legal activity with public concerns about the location of a satellite parimutuel betting establishment in Shoreline. He mentioned the inclusion of this item on the agenda at the March 9 meeting of the State Gambling Commission. He asked why the City did not know about it sooner.

Mr. Deis said it is unclear whether satellite parimutuel betting is a legal use.

Councilmember Lee said it is only fair for the City to consider the potential impacts of a satellite parimutuel betting establishment in Shoreline given that it would be the only site in King County.

Councilmember Gustafson asserted the reasonableness of a moratorium. He said it will allow Council to study and make decisions about the issue. He commented that Council intended Ordinance No. 223 to prohibit additional gambling in Shoreline. He indicated that a satellite parimutuel betting site thwarts that intent.

Mayor Jepsen said he opposed the moratorium until he learned about the number of vehicles the satellite parimutuel betting establishment could attract. He noted that the establishment proposes to begin operating April 15. He asserted that the intervening time period is too short to allow the City to understand the implications of traffic and parking issues.

A vote was taken on the motion to adopt Ordinance. 233, creating a moratorium on locating satellite parimutuel betting establishments within the City of Shoreline. The motion carried 7-0.


(a) Clark Elster, 1720 NE 177th Street, noted an error in the reading of the consent calendar: the amount of the North Rehabilitation Facility contract for landscape services is not to exceed $46,600.

Mayor Jepsen advised that Councilmember Montgomery had corrected her reading at the time.


At 9:11 p.m., Mayor Jepsen announced that Council would recess into executive session for 30 minutes to address one item of current litigation.

At 9:44 p.m., the executive session concluded, and the regular meeting reconvened.


At 9:45 p.m., Mayor Jepsen declared the meeting adjourned.



Sharon Mattioli, CMC
City Clerk