Monday, July 10, 2000

6:00 p.m.

Shoreline Conference Center

Highlander Room

PRESENT: Mayor Jepsen, Deputy Mayor Hansen, Councilmembers Lee, Montgomery and Ransom

ABSENT: Councilmembers Grossman and Gustafson

STAFF: Robert Deis, City Manager; Larry Bauman, Assistant City Manager; Ian Sievers, City Attorney; and Kristoff Bauer, Assistant to the City Manager

The meeting convened at 6:15 p.m.

Robert Deis, City Manager, reminded Council that the joint dinner meeting with the Planning Commission is scheduled for July 24. He distributed a list of proposed topics for discussion developed by the Commission, noting that important topics for the Planning Commission include communications, the upcoming Planning Commission work program; sub-area planning; and Phase III of the Development Code. Planning Commissioners apparently would like a high-level discussion with the Council.

At 6:20 p.m. Councilmember Ransom arrived.

The Council discussed the proposed topics and the fact that there are probably too many items to discuss at a single meeting.

Mr. Deis brought up the MUGA process and provided the Council with an update on Snohomish County activities. He also discussed the King County concept of providing mitigation for the potential Pt. Wells Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Mayor Jepsen added that the Wastewater Treatment Plant Siting Committee has, at his urging, extended the timeline for its work through September.

Mr. Deis described the off-docket item staff is proposing for tonight's agenda regarding a fee waiver policy.

Responding to Deputy Mayor Hansen's question about how the policy would apply to events such as "Night Out Against Crime", Mr. Deis said that such an event is clearly covered by the policy. He also explained the purpose of a right-of-way permit and why such a permit is important to the City.

Larry Bauman, Assistant City Manager, distributed the new letterhead design and asked for any Council comment before it is finalized. Councilmember Lee suggested that the City's website be included on the letterhead.

The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.



Larry Bauman, Assistant City Manager