Monday, July 10, 2000

7:30 p.m.

Shoreline Conference Center

Mt. Rainier Room

PRESENT: Mayor Jepsen, Deputy Mayor Hansen, Councilmembers Lee, Montgomery and Ransom

ABSENT: Councilmembers Grossman and Gustafson


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Jepsen, who presided.


Mayor Jepsen led the flag salute. Upon roll call by the City Clerk, all Councilmembers were present with the exceptions of Councilmembers Grossman and Gustafson.

Councilmember Lee moved to excuse Councilmember Gustafson. Deputy Mayor Hansen seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. Later in the meeting, Councilmem-ber Montgomery moved to excuse Councilmember Grossman. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion, which carried 5-0.


City Manager Robert Deis said the executive session included in the agenda will not be necessary.

Shoreline Police Chief Denise Pentony distributed and discussed a report on the "4th of July fireworks situation in Shoreline." Shoreline Fire Chief J. B. Smith asserted that the fireworks ban is "absolutely working." He noted the low number of fire calls (five) and the lack of injuries during the Fourth of July.

In response to Councilmember Ransom, Chief Smith said his department is researching Fourth of July activity in jurisdictions surrounding Shoreline.

Mr. Deis reported that the National Association of Police Organizations has recognized Shoreline Police Officers Patrick Saulet and Joseph Craig as two of 13 "Top Cops" nationwide.

Public Works Director Bill Conner reviewed the City's response to the Suburban Cities Association (SCA) questionnaire concerning the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

Mayor Jepsen asked why staff decided not to respond to the "Potential Contract Terms" portion of the questionnaire. Mr. Conner said staff approves of the descriptions of the potential contract terms in general and decided to let the process of developing an interlocal contract for Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA)/watershed basin planning continue without specific comments.

Noting item nine, "Governing Body," under "Potential Contract Terms," Mayor Jepsen expressed concern about the additional bureaucracy of creating another governing body.

Deputy Mayor Hansen noted his understanding of a legal question as to whether SCA can accept funds to serve an administrative role. City Attorney Ian Sievers asserted that the interlocal agreement would establish the authority for SCA to handle a budget designated by member agencies.

Mr. Deis requested that Council consider approval of Ordinance No. 243, authorizing the City Manager to waive or reduce certain fees for City-sponsored or -sanctioned special events, as an item on the meeting agenda.



(a) Ken Howe, 745 N 184th Street, said he asked US Representative Jay Inslee to be active in Washington D.C. about the sale of dangerous fireworks on Indian reservations. He asserted that local jurisdictions that have banned fireworks should insure that the federal government does its part to make the bans effective. On another issue, he asserted that the City should provide a copy of the historic inventory that King County performed for Shoreline in 1996 to each new Planning Commissioner.


Deputy Mayor Hansen moved that Council adopt the agenda. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion.

Councilmember Ransom moved to add Ordinance No. 243, authorizing the City Manager to waive or reduce certain fees for City-sponsored or -sanctioned special events, as agenda item 8 (c). Deputy Mayor Hansen seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

A vote was taken on the motion to adopt the agenda, as amended, which carried unanimously.


Councilmember Montgomery moved that Council adopt the consent calendar. Deputy Mayor Hansen seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, and the following items were approved:

Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 12, 2000
Minutes of Workshop Meeting of June 19, 2000
Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 26, 2000

Approval of payroll and expenses as of June 22, 2000 in the amount of $436,094.05

Resolution No. 169 approving the final plat for Elena Lane at 18034 Stone Ave. N.

Ordinance No. 242, amending Ordinance No. 222, as amended, by increasing the revenue to the General Fund and authorizing expenditures for repairs to the Shoreline Pool


(a) Ordinance No. 241 amending the City's Zoning Map to change the zoning of two parcels located at 514 N 150th Street from R-6 to contract zone #CZ-00-01 subject to restrictive covenants

Senior Planner Rachael Markle reviewed the staff report. She said the applicant requested a contract rezone—instead of a straight rezone to R-12—to provide the public with assurances of the scale and design of the development to occur on the site. She noted conditions in the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) concerning: 1) pedestrian safety and aesthetics; and 2) storm water management. She mentioned the three conditions that the Planning Commission added in recommending the reclassification for approval. She said the fire department verified the adequacy of the proposed access for emergency vehicles in a preliminary review of the project. Finally, she noted a question at the public hearing on whether the proposed driveway on 150th Street will be located a safe distance from the intersection with Westminster Way. She said the City will review the adequacy of the site distance triangle as part of the building permitting process.

Councilmember Lee moved to adopt Ordinance No. 241. Councilmember Montgomery seconded the motion.

Councilmember Lee noted concerns about traffic and asked what mitigation might address such concerns. Ms. Markle mentioned the proposal to conduct a traffic study to obtain a traffic count at the location. She noted that current zoning would allow four units at the site (two units with one accessory dwelling unit each). She said staff does not envision traffic problems. Mr. Deis explained that the design of the driveway and the distance of it from the intersection remain to be defined. He said the projected number of vehicle trips is within the thresholds of the current zoning.

Mayor Jepsen said the location of the driveway in the proposed site plan is as far west on N 150th Street as possible. He noted the following alternatives to address safety concerns: redesigning the site plan; stipulating right turn out only or right turn in only.

In response to Councilmember Lee, Ms. Markle explained that the project was grandfathered under the 1993 King County road standards rather than the new road standards adopted as part of the Development Code Phase 2.

Mayor Jepsen expressed appreciation of the Planning Commission discussion of the application. Councilmember Lee concurred.

Mayor Jepsen supported the proposal as an attached townhouse project.

A vote was taken on the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 241 amending the City's Zoning Map to change the zoning of two parcels located at 514 N 150th Street from R-6 to contract zone #CZ-00-01 subject to restrictive covenants. The motion carried 5-0.

(b) Update on Recommended Skate Park location at Paramount School Park

Wendy Barry, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director, reviewed the staff report. She mentioned the skate park design meeting scheduled for July 25 at the Shoreline Center.

Mayor Jepsen supported the recommended skate park location. He anticipated good turnout for the skate park design meeting July 25.

Councilmember Ransom commented on the thoughtful analysis of the skate park location alternatives by the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee. He supported the committee's recommendation.

Mayor Jepsen confirmed Council consensus in support of the recommended location.

(c) Ordinance No. 243, authorizing the City Manager to waive or reduce certain fees for City-sponsored or -sanctioned special events

Mr. Deis presented the staff report. He noted that the Briarcrest Neighborhood Fourth of July Parade brought the issue of right-of-way fees to the fore.

Councilmember Montgomery moved to adopt Ordinance No. 243, authorizing the City Manager to waive or reduce certain fees for City-sponsored or -sanctioned special events. Deputy Mayor Hansen seconded the motion.

Councilmember Ransom favored the ordinance as a means of supporting civic events. He noted the number of organizations for which the City Manager may waive or reduce fees. He especially liked the option of allowing a group to ask a neighborhood association for endorsement of an activity to make it exempt. He said Council can amend the ordinance in the future, if necessary, to include other organizations or events.

Deputy Mayor Hansen noted that the motion Council passed at its June 26 meeting to waive the permit fees for the Briarcrest Neighborhood Fourth of July Parade stipulated "until such time as a specific fee waiver policy is adopted by the City of Shoreline." He said Ordinance No. 243 represents such a policy.

Mayor Jepsen said Ordinance No. 243 is a positive step forward.

A vote was taken on the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 243, authorizing the City Manager to waive or reduce certain fees for City-sponsored or -sanctioned special events. The motion carried 5-0.


(a) Richard Kink, 19553 27th Avenue NW, asserted the difficulty of trying to establish a dialogue and work as an ally with the City regarding the bulkheads of residences on 27th Avenue NW. He described the unique situation of the residences (e.g., the only homes in the City of Shoreline on Puget Sound; the bulkheads predate 1941; the geology of the area is fully known). He said he provided testimony to the City when staff was addressing shoreline management policies, and he has provided testimony to the State Department of Ecology, which is proposing revisions to the Shoreline Management Act. He stressed that the residents on 27th Avenue are not trying to circumvent City permitting processes. He asked how residents can work with the City to address the special circumstances of their area.

Mayor Jepsen said he met with the homeowners along 27th Avenue NW approximately a year ago. He said the City identified a staff member at that time as a point of contact for the homeowners. He asserted the need to reestablish that arrangement.



At 8:25 p.m., Mayor Jepsen declared the meeting adjourned.



Sharon Mattioli, CMC
City Clerk