Monday, April 9, 2001

6:00 p.m.

Shoreline Conference Center

Highlander Room

PRESENT: Mayor Jepsen, Deputy Mayor Hansen, Councilmembers Grossman, Gustafson, Montgomery, and Ransom

ABSENT: Councilmember Lee

STAFF: Larry Bauman, Interim City Manager; Kristoff T. Bauer, Interim Assistant City Manager; Joyce Nichols, Community and Government Relations Manager; Bill Conner, Public Works Director; Anne Tonella-Howe, Aurora Corridor Project Manager; and Kirk McKinley, Planning Manager

The meeting convened at 6:20 p.m.

Councilmember Ransom recommended three revisions to the proposed City Manager employment contract with Steven Burkett. Council discussed the suggestions, but there was consensus that, while thoughtful, they were not necessary at this stage. It was noted that Councilmember Ransom could propose changes at the Council meeting if he chose.

Anne Tonella-Howe, Aurora Corridor Project Manager, discussed potential strategies for treating surface water in the Aurora Corridor. Specific uncertainties related to regulatory requirements were discussed. A program schedule for the Aurora Corridor project was distributed and discussed. Uncertainties related to the environmental process and regulations, including their impacts on the program schedule, were explored.

Kirk McKinley, Planning Manager, reviewed planned economic development activities related to the Aurora Square area. There was discussion of the potential to change the character of this area.

Mayor Jepsen requested an update on the Interurban Trail at a future Council meeting.

Councilmember Grossman arrived at 7:15 p.m.

Ms. Tonella-Howe distributed a memorandum regarding the Westminster Triangle area and discussed issues related to the proposed vacation of Westminster Avenue between 155th Street and 160th Street. She reviewed comments from the Washington State Department of Transportation regarding an interim step of simply changing the access to Westminster Avenue. The eventual consideration and design of the vacation would be delayed until more is known about the potential re-development of the Aurora Square area.

Responding to Mayor Jepsen, Bill Conner, Public Works Director, discussed progress toward installing new signal controls at the intersection of 175th Street and Meridian Avenue.

Mr. McKinley announced that on May 17 the Puget Sound Regional Council will present a "Walkable Communities" workshop. It will look at pedestrian and bicycle issues at the Aurora Square site and address how the Interurban Trail can cross Aurora Avenue before the pedestrian overpass is constructed. The workshop will include an informational piece on walkability, a walking field trip and a mini design charrette.

The meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.


Kristoff Bauer, Interim Assistant City Manager