Monday, May 14, 2001

6:00 p.m.

Shoreline Conference Center

Highlander Room

PRESENT: Mayor Jepsen, Deputy Mayor Hansen, Councilmembers Grossman, Gustafson, Lee, Montgomery and Ransom


STAFF: Steve Burkett, City Manager; Larry Bauman, Assistant City Manager; Jan Briggs, Economic Development Coordinator

The meeting convened at 6:10 p.m.

Councilmembers discussed King County Council actions concerning potential sites for the BrightWater Treatment Plant.

Councilmember Grossman distributed photographs of the fiberglass salmon sculptures that Einstein Middle School students created. He discussed the process for accepting art in City parks. He suggested that Council consider options for accepting the sculptures.

Councilmember Gustafson suggested that the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee review policies for accepting art in City parks.

Mayor Jepsen commented that the School District could display the salmon sculptures at the Shoreline Conference Center.

Economic Development Coordinator Jan Briggs distributed and discussed the draft Economic Development Program. She noted strategies included in the program, and she described opportunities and problems for economic development in Shoreline. She went on to identify projects in which she is participating to promote redevelopment in Shoreline.

Councilmember Ransom commented that there are 63 Korean businesses in Shoreline and that most of the businesses do not participate in the Shoreline Chamber of Commerce.

Councilmember Lee said many Korean businesses cannot afford to close during the day to participate in Chamber of Commerce meetings. She went on to suggest the consolidation of existing economic data to provide market analysis for the City. She said the City could survey residents to collect additional market data.

Mayor Jepsen asked what impact the City can have within the next few years to encourage economic development. City Manager Steve Burkett said successful developers are capable of making investments in anticipation of increases in property values.

Council discussed options for the 2002 Annual Planning and Budget Retreat. Council elected to schedule the retreat for August 27 and 28.

Assistant City Manager Larry Bauman discussed Council salaries and benefits for the 2002 budget.

Council agreed to invite the Board of the Shoreline Wastewater District to one of its June dinner meetings.

The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.


Larry Bauman, Assistant City Manager