Monday, January 28, 2002

6:00 p.m.

Shoreline Conference Center

Highlander Room

PRESENT: Mayor Jepsen, Deputy Mayor Grossman, Councilmembers Chang, Gustafson, Montgomery and Ransom

ABSENT: Councilmember Hansen

STAFF: Steve Burkett, City Manager; Larry Bauman, Assistant City Manager; Ian Sievers, City Attorney

The meeting convened at 6:00 p.m. All Councilmembers were present with the exception of Councilmember Hansen.

Councilmembers discussed plans for attending the Association of Washington Cities Conference in Olympia starting January 29.

Mayor Jepsen raised the issue of Council subcommittees to recommend new members for the Planning Commission and the Library Board.

Steve Burkettt, City Manager, reported a conversation with the Director of the Ronald Wastewater District. He said District commissioners have shown interest in Council discussions about the future relationship with the District.

Councilmember Montgomery mentioned that she watched the January 22 meeting, which she had not been able to attend.

Mayor Jepsen distributed a copy of the electronic mail message that Randy Farrell of the Aurora Improvement Council (AIC) wrote to members of the United States Congress. Mayor Jepsen expressed his concerns about inaccuracies in the information and the lack of clarity about who constitutes the leadership of the AIC. He noted that the message mentions that the Board of the AIC includes three former presidents of the Shoreline Chamber of Commerce and a City Councilmember. He raised the question of how the Council will express differences of opinion regarding key issues. He wondered if the City should respond to the e-mail since it was sent to the City by a State representative, who also received it.

Deputy Mayor Grossman asserted the importance of responding and of setting the record straight.

Mayor Jepsen stated his belief of the importance of setting the record straight with the State legislators who represent Shoreline.

Mr. Burkett said the City can prepare a response stating the facts. He pointed out that the message includes inappropriate comparisons between the Shoreline’s Aurora Corridor Project and the Lynnwood Highway 99 project.

Mayor Jepsen suggested discussing the message with State Representative Maralyn Chase, who forwarded it to the City.

Mr. Burkett went on to note King County Councilmember Carolyn Edmonds’ report that she expects to receive funds to distribute to District 1 programs and projects.

Mayor Jepsen discussed the issue of the proposed King County utility tax.

Mr. Burkett mentioned the February 4 meeting of King County city managers and Jay Fossett of the County Executive's Office to discuss the utility tax.

Mayor Jepsen noted Mr. Burkett's suggestion that Council consider possible dinner meeting discussion topics. He commented that the list of 2001 discussion topics "looks good." He suggested meeting with County Councilmember Edmonds and a representative from the County Executive’s Office. Other Councilmembers suggested meetings with the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee and the Library Board.

Councilmember Chang suggested inviting AIC Board members.

Mayor Jepsen said he is still wondering who represents the AIC. He asserted the need to clarify the membership of the AIC Board.

Councilmember Montgomery said she had no objection to meeting with groups on the list that Mr. Burkett distributed, as long as there are issues to discuss.

Mayor Jepsen suggested that Council schedule no more than 12–14 dinner meetings with guests. Mr. Burkett suggested ten–12 meetings including guests.

Councilmember Gustafson raised the question of who will serve on the subcommittees to recommend new members for the Planning Commission and Library Board. He added that Council needs to appoint a representative to the Shoreline Water District Advisory Committee.

Councilmembers discussed their interest in serving in one or more of these roles.

Councilmember Chang reiterated his suggestion to meet with the AIC Board to work out issues about the Aurora Corridor Project. He then left the meeting at 7:15 p.m.

Mr. Burkett turned the discussion to Shorewood Hills. He mentioned that Councilmember Chang, as a homeowner in the subdivision, may not participate in the Council discussion. Mr. Burkett advised that a group of homeowners intend to address Council soon on issues in Shorewood Hills.

At 7:25 p.m., Mayor Jepsen declared the meeting adjourned.


Larry Bauman, Assistant City Manager