Monday, April 22, 2002

6:00 p.m.

Shoreline Conference Center

Highlander Room

PRESENT: Deputy Mayor Grossman, Councilmembers Chang, Gustafson, Hansen and Ransom

ABSENT: Mayor Jepsen and Councilmember Montgomery

STAFF: Steve Burkett, City Manager; and Larry Bauman, Assistant City Manager

The meeting convened at 6:05 p.m. All Councilmembers were present with the exceptions of Mayor Jepsen and Councilmember Montgomery.

Steve Burkett, City Manager, mentioned that State Representative Maralyn Chase will be attending tonight’s Council meeting. He also provided Council with a fact sheet regarding the Aegis project.

Continuing, Mr. Burkett described the concerns of residents who say they have a petition asking for a traffic light to be installed at 15th Avenue NE and NE 170th Street. He went on to explain that the item on the Council’s agenda tonight provides for contract engineering services to analyze the need for a signal.

Councilmembers discussed various pedestrian safety issues and accidents, both in Shoreline and in other communities.

Mr. Burkett referred to a message from Councilmember Ransom regarding costs for the North City capital project. He explained that the costs of several projects have now been combined into a single project for better coordination of design and construction.

Councilmember Ransom expressed the view that the project was originally to have included grant funds and private developer contributions. Councilmember Hansen responded that the project has already been delayed too long and that work needs to go forward.

Mr. Burkett explained that grant funding may be difficult to obtain for this project because most of the project focuses on business area improvements.

Mr. Burkett asked about Council preferences for the summer break. The responses to an e-mail regarding this issue have indicated no consensus thus far.

Councilmember Gustafson felt the last week in July and first two weeks in August would be best because this period coincides with the end of summer school.

Seeking to articulate a consensus, Mr. Burkett noted that Councilmembers Chang and Gustafson prefer the first two weeks in August. Councilmember Ransom concurred. Deputy Mayor Grossman and Councilmember Hansen did not indicate a strong preference.

Councilmembers and Mr. Burkett went on to discuss the agenda item to reduce the speed limit on 27th Avenue from 30 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour.

Mr. Burkett then turned to the issue of the Seattle City Light (SCL) Rate Advisory Board. He mentioned that SCL wants Shoreline to fill a vacancy on the board created when staff member Kristoff Bauer resigned. He asked if a Councilmember wished to serve on the board. Several Councilmembers suggested that it would be preferable to assign a staff member to attend these meetings.

Mr. Burkett described the plans for the April 26-27 Council retreat. He mentioned changes being made to the agenda to reflect the ideas of Councilmembers in their individual discussions with the facilitator, Julia Novak.

Mr. Burkett also described a recent meeting with the Chamber of Commerce regarding the Aurora Corridor Project. He has met three times recently with Chamber members and officers.

Councilmember Hansen returned to the issue of the Aegis project fact sheet distributed by Mr. Burkett. Mr. Burkett reviewed that the Hearing Examiner agreed that the north portion of the Aegis project could be approved because it would be constructed outside the buffer required for the project.

On another topic, Councilmember Chang stated that he has been working with Rob Beem, Assistant Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director, regarding a free community medical event to be held at City Hall. He proposed that the event be hosted by the City on a Saturday. The Korean Community Association is organizing the event.

Councilmember Gustafson suggested the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center or the Center for Human Services as the venue for the event. Mr. Burkett agreed that the senior center and the Shoreline center should be considered. Councilmembers concluded the meeting with a discussion of the value of having the kind of health event suggested by Councilmember Chang.

At 7:20 p.m., Deputy Mayor Grossman declared the meeting adjourned.


Larry Bauman, Assistant City Manager