Monday, October 13, 2003

Shoreline Conference Center

7:30 p.m. Mt. Rainier Room

PRESENT: Deputy Mayor Grossman, Councilmembers Gustafson, Montgomery, and Ransom

ABSENT: Mayor Jepsen and Councilmembers Chang and Hansen


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Deputy Mayor Grossman, who presided.


Deputy Mayor Grossman led the flag salute. Upon roll call by the City Clerk, all Councilmembers were present with the exceptions of Mayor Jepsen and Councilmembers Chang and Hansen, who were traveling to Boryeong, Korea to finalize Shoreline's sister city relationship.

Upon motion by Councilmember Montgomery, seconded by Councilmember Gustafson and unanimously carried, Mayor Jepsen and Councilmembers Chang and Hansen were excused.


Steve Burkett, City Manager, pointed out that sister city participants traveled to Boryeong at their own expense and in accordance with the Council's Sister City policy. He requested that Council remove item 7(e) from the agenda because the North City Neighborhood wishes to make some changes to their grant proposal. He reminded Council of the schedule for reviewing and adopting the proposed 2004 budget. He concluded by commenting on the success of the Fall Recycling Event.



(a) David Townsend, Shoreline, reminded Council that a lack of traffic safety can have negative impacts on communities. He urged the City to take proactive steps to ensure that pedestrians, particularly school children, are safe in Shoreline. He said he has observed a lack of safety around school crosswalks, and that City maps incorrectly characterize crosswalks, intersections, and traffic control devices. He noted that the new signs installed as part of the in-pavement lighting system should be marked as school crossings, not pedestrian crossings. He used statistical data to illustrate the detrimental effect that traffic fatalities have on society. He concluded by urging the Council to create a legacy of traffic safety in Shoreline.

(b) Janet Way, Shoreline, said Mr. Townsend is an excellent example of someone taking steps to make a positive difference in the community. She said recent Council meetings illustrate that there is a problem in the tone of dialogue between the Council and Shoreline citizens. She urged the Council and the public to follow Mr. Townsend's example and work toward positive and productive change in Shoreline.

(c) Cindy Ryu, Shoreline, questioned why the Council is transferring $1.8 million in one-time revenues from the City's Operating Fund to the Capital Projects Fund for the City Hall Project at a time when the City expects budget deficits starting in 2005. She asserted that Council is reducing funding for road maintenance and other services to accommodate the deficit and the transferring of funds to capital projects. She asserted that money saved is money that has been "over-collected" from the people of Shoreline.

(d) Fred Drewin, Shoreline, requested that the Council and the police work diligently to address the traffic speeding problem in his neighborhood. He said the City's Traffic Engineer, Rich Meredith, is working with him on this . He felt that additional traffic calming along 12th Avenue NE is needed to address pedestrian safety issues, speeding, and cut-through traffic. He proposed that motorists be prohibited from making a left turn from 12th Avenue NE onto eastbound NE 145th Street.

(e) Dale Wright, Shoreline, enumerated the many accomplishments of past and present City Councils, including enhanced police coverage, traffic and pedestrian safety, parks improvements, good financial management, two-way communication, the Interurban Trail Project, and the Aurora Corridor Project. By way of contrast, he asserted that the Shoreline Merchants Association (SMA) has served its own interests and cost the City millions of dollars through delaying the Aurora Corridor Project and forcing the City through an unnecessary environmental process. He said the Aurora Corridor Project represents the consensus of the community and was arrived at through a democratic process, but the SMA demands that Council adopt its plan based on its own narrow self-interest. He said the City has made great progress due to the leadership of past and present Councilmembers, who have served as "builders" of the community.

Deputy Mayor Grossman responded to public comments. He was hopeful that the City's Traffic Engineer, Rich Meredith, would be able to investigate Mr. Townsend's concerns about traffic safety. Responding to Ms. Ryu's budget concern, he said the City's projected future deficits are based on a worst-case scenario, and that the Council has done a good job in meeting or exceeding its budgetary requirements every year. He encouraged Mr. Drewin to contact the City's Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program for assistance with traffic issues in his neighborhood.

Councilmember Gustafson noted that Mr. Meredith is assisting various neighborhoods, including Briarcrest, in identifying and resolving traffic safety issues.

Mr. Burkett reminded Council that the November 3 workshop will include an update on pedestrian and traffic safety.


After brief Council discussion, Councilmember Montgomery moved approval of the agenda, deleting item 7(e) and adding action item 8(a) to the consent calendar. Councilmember Gustafson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, and the agenda was approved as amended.


Councilmember Gustafson moved approval of the consent calendar as amended. Councilmember Ransom seconded the motion, which carried 4-0, and the following items were approved:

Minutes of Joint Dinner Meeting of September 8, 2003

Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 8, 2003

Minutes of Workshop of September 15, 2003

Approval of expenses and payroll as of October 3, 2003 in the amount of $1,934,946.00

Motion to authorize the City Manager to execute Project Agreements and Prospectus with the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation to receive funding for the Interurban Trail Pedestrian and Bicycle Crossing Project

Motion to authorize the City Manager to execute Local Agency Agreements and Project Prospectus for funding for the Aurora Corridor Projects

Motion to authorize the City Manager to accept Federal Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Funds for the School Resource Officer and Other Law Enforcement Programs

Ordinance No. 337 amending the City of Shoreline 2003 Budget to add the position of Recreation Superintendent; and amending Ordinance No. 315

Motion to authorize the City Manager to sign the Interlocal Agreement with the Shoreline Fire Department relating to the development review process and enforcement of the Uniform Fire Code within the City of Shoreline


At 7:56 p.m., Deputy Mayor Grossman declared the meeting adjourned.




Sharon Mattioli, City Clerk