Monday, February 13, 2006                                                         Shoreline Conference Center

6:00 p.m.                                                                                                       Highlander Room



PRESENT:       Mayor Ransom, Deputy Mayor Fimia, Councilmembers Gustafson, Hansen, McGlashan, Ryu, and Way


ABSENT:        none


STAFF:            Bob Olander, Interim City Manager; Ian Sievers, City Attorney; Bernard Seeger, Management Analyst; Joyce Nichols, Communications and Intergovernmental Relations Director; and Scott Passey, City Clerk


GUEST:           none



The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.  Mr. Olander said tonight’s meeting topics will include:



Ms. Nichols distributed photo proofs and asked Councilmembers to select their preferred photos and return them to her at the next meeting.


Councilmember Hansen arrived at 6:40 p.m.


Mr. Passey led a discussion of issues related to rules of order and parliamentary procedure.  He asked Councilmembers to list areas for which they would like to have more information.  These included responses to public comments, and how/when appropriate to respond to public comments.  The Council discussed various ways of responding to public comments.  It was noted that it is important to remind the public to keep their comments factual and to avoid criticisms of a personal nature.


Mr. Passey distributed information sheets and discussed the following parliamentary principles:



Councilmember Gustafson suggested that Council review these procedures at its retreat. 


Moving to the Council’s final topic, Mayor Ransom asked Councilmembers how they would like to proceed with the Library Board and Planning Commission appointments.  It was noted that only a few applications had been received, but the deadline for submittal is not until February 21.  After brief discussion, the Council decided to wait to see how many applications are received, since the number of applications will dictate the process. 


Deputy Mayor Fimia suggested that the entire Council could do interviews if there are fewer than five applicants. 


Councilmember Gustafson suggested that Mr. Olander, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor return with a recommended process after all applications are received.


The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.



/S/ Joyce Nichols, Communications and Intergovernmental Relations Director