Monday, April 10, 2006                                                               Shoreline Conference Center

6:00 p.m.                                                                                                       Highlander Room



PRESENT:       Mayor Ransom, Deputy Mayor Fimia, and Councilmembers McGlashan, Ryu, and Way


ABSENT:        Councilmembers Gustafson and Hansen


STAFF:            Bob Olander, City Manager; Julie Modrzejewski, Assistant City Manager; and Joyce Nichols, Communications and Intergovernmental Relations Director


GUEST:           none


Bob Olander, City Manager, convened the meeting at 6:25 p.m. with a discussion of the City Council March Retreat Report.  A couple of typographical errors were corrected.  The Council reviewed proposed changes and comments to clarify its intent and/or suggestions.


One point of discussion was structuring City Council meetings to accommodate community presentations at the second meeting each month.  Members discussed the ways that could be structured to make sure the information addresses what that group is working on in the community to address problems or needs. 


The Council agreed that Deputy Mayor Fimia and Ms. Modrzejewski would work on fleshing out the details and report back.


Ms. Nichols discussed the proposed work plan developed by the Suburban Cities Association (SCA) for 2006.  SCA staff has asked for feedback from member cities on the plan.


The Council discussed several issues, including transit, jail, mental health, and the relative importance of these items.  The Council was asked to give any additional feedback on the plan to Mayor Ransom prior to the SCA meeting on April 12.


Ms. Modzejewski reviewed upcoming items for the Council Retreat.  She noted that a draft agenda would be available later this week.  She asked if the Council needed more information prior to the retreat and to identify those items by April 14.


Mr. Olander said typically Council sets goals and priorities and a scope of work.  Staff comes back with information and a work plan for Council review.


Councilmember McGlashan asked for the Council goals from the City’s first 10 years.


Mayor Ransom expressed interest in dealing with the many issues that fall below the level of top priorities but still need to be done.


Mr. Olander said he’s asked staff to provide information to the Council on issues they believe will need to be addressed in the coming 18 months.


Ms. Modrzejewski provided a draft of a Web site input form for community goal-setting.


Several suggestions were made for changes, which staff will incorporate.  The Council will continue discussing the public participation components at its retreat.


Mayor Ransom declared the meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.





Joyce Nichols, Communications and Intergovernmental Relations Director