Monday, May 22, 2006                                                                Shoreline Conference Center

6:00 p.m.                                                                                                       Highlander Room



PRESENT:       Mayor Ransom, Deputy Mayor Fimia, and Councilmembers Gustafson, Hansen, McGlashan, Ryu, and Way


ABSENT:        none


STAFF:            Julie Modrzejewski, Assistant City Manager; Ian Sievers, City Attorney; Joyce Nichols, Communications and Intergovernmental Relations Director; Joe Tovar, Planning and Development Services Director


GUEST:           none


The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by Mayor Ransom, who presided. 


Deputy Mayor Fimia began the meeting with the following announcements:



Councilmember Hansen arrived at 6:30 p.m.




At 6:31 p.m. Mayor Ransom announced that Council would recess into executive session to discuss litigation.  At 7:15 p.m. the Executive Session concluded and the dinner meeting reconvened.


Councilmember Gustafson expressed his intent to place an item on tonight’s regular meeting agenda regarding 2007-08 Council Goals.  He believed four of the goals are already underway and will be moved forward, so they don’t need the same level of public comment as the newly-proposed goals.  He would like to exclude these four from the public participation process.


Deputy Mayor Fimia felt it could be announced at the beginning and end of public meetings that some of the goals have been worked on in previous years and will move forward.  She did not favor excluding them from the public participation process.  She felt it would send the wrong message to exclude these goals.


Councilmember McGlashan concurred with Councilmember Gustafson, noting that it wastes time to prepare a discussion of the goals that are in process. 


Councilmember Ryu felt it was not enough notice to place this discussion on tonight’s regular meeting agenda.


Councilmember Gustafson suggested that a discussion occur on June 5 if tonight’s notice is insufficient.


Ms. Modrzejewski noted that staff is scheduling community input meetings for June 6 and June 14.  Staff needs to have all Councilmember input by the end of June so it can be included in the 2007 proposed budget.  After further discussion, Councilmember McGlashan joined Councilmember Gustafson in requesting that the 2007-08 Council Goals be placed on the June 5 agenda.  Mayor Ransom concurred.


Councilmember Ryu then brought up the subject of greater recognition for Olympic hockey team member Kelly Stephens.  She asked if the City would like to join the Chamber of Commerce in getting a plaque or other form of recognition to present to Kelly.  It was agreed that the City would participate.


Councilmember Ryu also suggested that if Kelly Stephens is in town on August 19, the City should name her the Grand Marshall of the Celebrate Shoreline parade.  After further discussion, it was agreed to submit Kelly’s name in the process used to select a parade marshall, which is a decision the City Council makes.


At 7:32 p.m., Mayor Ransom declared the meeting adjourned.





Joyce Nichols, Communications and Intergovernmental Relations Director