"3 Days, 3 Ways, Are You Ready?" is a public motivation campaign developed through a joint effort between emergency management agencies throughout King County to raise awareness of citizens to get prepared for a major event in our area. The campaign is designed to be easy to learn the steps to preparedness. The three key ingredients are make a plan, get a kit, and get involved. Any step a citizen takes today will put them in a stronger position to be more resilient in a major event such as earthquake, winter storms or terrorist attack.

Video: 3 Days, 3 Ways... Are You Ready? - Interactive Survival Studyguide

Take the "3 Days/3 Ways"  Video Quiz!
(Macromedia Flash Player Required)

Logo: Komo 1000 News Check out these radio spots for the new disaster preparedness campaign:

3 Days/3 Ways - Hurricane Katrina
3 Days/3 Ways to Prepare
Shelter-in-Place in Your Car

Disaster Supplies Kit
During Your Commute
Logo:  RPIN RPIN - Regional Public Information Network
RPIN Logoprovides vital public information and notifications on a regional basis and is a central source for emergency news and links for the central Puget Sound region.
Logo: Project Impact Project Impact
Streaming Educational Videos
(RealVideo player required.)



3 Days, 3 Ways is Sponsored by:
Logo: Titan Worldwide Logo: Kiro 7

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